The official chat room for this site is #origins-ooc. You do not need to be a site member to join - just come on in.
If you don't know how to use IRC, you can find some help here:
But the Mibbit embed down below is pretty straightforward for a beginner, so try it out!
We'll keep the rules simple for now. They are as follows:
1. Be smart: People here are generally pretty cool to newfolk, but we won't tolerate stupid. Don't get it off to a bad start.
2. Don't spam: This includes abusing bot functions.
3. Avoid drama: If you want to have heated interpersonal disagreements, take it to PMs. And no bullying.
4. Be Civil: Anything excessively derogatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, etcetera, will not be tolerated. Arguing is fine, but flaming is not fine.
- A sub-topic of this: Do not harass anyone based on their gender (or lack thereof), sexuality (or lack thereof), religion (or lack thereof), or any of those other hot-button topic things. You get the picture. Note: This does not mean we are asking you to be Super Politically Correct. This is just an anti-harassment rule. Thanks!
5. Tag NSFW links: If you link something that isn't "Safe For Work", add a note specifying "NSFW". On that note, don't link illegal shit. You should know better.
6. Don't drown out site discussion: All topics are currently allowed in Origins. However, people who want to talk about this rp, and/or stuff they're creating for this site, always get precedence. Please be polite and don't drown out that discussion.
We reserve the right to change or modify these rules at any time. The final authority on chat issues, as well as all site issues, is DiePotato, the owner of both this site and the IRC channel.
Admins and GMs
Admins have admin privileges, GMs have OP, and Contributors have half-op.
There might be other folks with OP, but they're inactive persons who haven't had their op removed. You're under no obligation to listen to them, but they are respected members of the rp and should be taken seriously. Except Scantron, who is a dork. If someone is abusing their OP, tell a GM or Admin.
Channels: This module leads to #origins-ooc, the out-of-character channel.
If the Mibbit client isn't working: yes, sometimes it dies on us. This is only meant to get you situated in the game, and you should use a real client as soon as possible.
Alternative Clients
- Xchat - Windows: , Linux:
- Chatzilla (Firefox) -
- mIRC (Windows) -
- Mibbit (Web) -
- Pidgin (Multiplatform IM) -
- IRCcloud (Multiplatform) -
Instructions for mIRC
1. Copy paste this (without quotations) "irc://" into your browser and hit enter.
2. Type "/join #origins-ooc"
Instructions for Chatzilla
1. Copy this into the text bar: /attach
2. Type /join #origins-ooc
Instructions For Mibbit
1. Go to
2. Select "SynIRC webirc" from the drop down menu.
3. Pick an appropriate handle, and put "#origins-ooc" in the channel(s) box.
4. Enjoy your pie.