Luke Ward

Basic Info:

Player: Pixeltasim/PixelWarrior

Position: Field Linguist

Demeanor: Conformist

Nature: A fierce idealist and believer in morals.

Description: A 6' tall Caucasian man weighing about 140 pounds. Light build with blond hair, brown eyes, and strangely long fingers.


You have 36 points to distribute among Basic and Pseudo-Specialty Skills. Please follow the guidelines on the Game Mechanics page. Erase any skills you have no points in.

  • Physical Health: 7
  • Mental Health: 7
Basic Skills
  • Physical Defense:4
  • Mental Defense:2
  • Perception:4
  • Agility:5
  • Strength:2
  • Persuasion:5
Pseudo-Specialty Skills
  • Melee:1
  • Ranged:4
  • Survival:4
  • Academics:4
  • Medical:1
Specialty Skills:

You have twelve points to distribute among as many or as few specialty skills as you see fit (but at least three is almost always warranted). Remember to explain what each specialty entails.

  • Linguistics: 6. Luke is a master of all things related to language. He speaks 8 different languages and has grown up in dozens of different cultures and languages. If you need to talk to someone else he's your guy.
  • Special Forces Soldier: 4. Luke served in the US special forces and helped train various other nations' military. He himself is a qualified US special forces soldier and is adequate with a rifle and in a combat team, but his specialization is as a linguist attachment.
  • Teacher: 2. His entire life Luke has been teaching people things like how to speak another language, or how to shoot a gun. He's not great, but he knows his students and how to instruct them.


List everything your character carries on their person here. Be reasonable.

  • M50 Reising Sub-Machine Gun on sling
  • M1911 Pistol in holster
  • Web Belt
    • 7 Magazines for M50, (30 rounds each)
    • 3 Magazines for M1911 Pistol (7 rounds each)
    • Knife
    • Medium First Aid Kit
      • Bandages and Gauze
      • Needles
      • Painkillers
      • Antibiotics
      • Breathing barrier
      • Aspirin
      • Scissors
      • Tweezers
      • Water purification tablets
    • Swiss army knife
    • Whistle
    • Compass
  • Wallet
  • Notepad with pen
  • Deck of Cards
  • 75% Dark Chocolate Bar

And everything that they keep in their room at Site 19. Anything that's not listed here or in the section above will be difficult for the character to retrieve.

  • Books on various languages
  • Collection of card decks
  • Dark chocolate bar supply

Personal History:

Luke was born a military brat in Hawaii in 1922. His father was in the Navy as a linguist. Throughout his entire childhood his family constantly switched homes, spending lot's of time in Europe, South America, and East Asia. Throughout this time his parents had always wanted him to speak many languages, so they raised him with a mixture of English, Spanish, and French. He continued learning more languages, and as he grew older he learned Japanese, Russian, and Chinese, all of which he could read and write fluently. When he turned 18, he went to college in the American mid-west and got his masters in linguistics, during which time he studied German and Arabic, both of which he speaks very fluently. By this time WWII was over, but he still decided to join the US army where he was part of the formation of the US special forces, which he was then sent overseas to train other nations. Here he applied his various linguistic skills as a linguistic attachment to his unit and taught many people how to shoot a gun for the first time. He saw minimal combat, only a couple local policing issues. He finally left the military in 1954 where he was then recruited to the Foundation as a linguistic expert.


He's kind of a grammar nazi. He also basically only does what he's told. He also loves card tricks and does a few himself. He seems to have an inexhaustible supply of chocolate.



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