Lauri Hotakainen

Player: calamitous1

Position: Soviet guerilla

Demeanor: A jovial man, Lauri will crack jokes at nearly any opportunity, even in the middle of combat, to the chagrin of his comrades.

Nature: A boisterous and loud man, with a deep Russian accent, Lauri is everything a Finn is not. Despite his years of constant warfare, Lauri has remained a kind soul, likely his way of coping with the horror. However, he is quite capable of using his imposing physique and deep voice to intimidate those who manage to annoy him.

Description: At 6'2" and 220 lbs, Lauri is a large man with an extremely voracious appetite. Broad-shouldered and heavily-muscled, he can carry heavy loads for weeks on end, befitting his nature as a guerrilla fighter.

Spending long periods of time in the field without proper shaving equipment have left him with a near-permanent 5-o'clock-shadow, due to him making due with a fighting knife. Likewise, his dirty blonde hair is wild and uneven, kept in check only with the occasional stroke of the same knife, still usually covered in shaving cream.


  • Physical Health: 10+5
  • Mental Health: 10+5
  • Strength: 2
    • Athletics
    • Melee
    • Ranged (heavy)
  • Toughness: 2
    • Resilience
    • Determination
    • Antipsychic
  • Speed: 2
    • Acrobatics
    • Stealth
    • Ranged
  • Charm: 0
    • Persuasion
    • Bluff
    • Intimidation
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Perception
    • Insight
    • Logic
  • Education: 1
    • Science
    • Engineering
    • History
    • Survival
    • Medicine
  • Valkoinen Raivo: 3: Going into a tranquil, trance-like state, Lauri becomes a calm force of death, wreaking havoc on his enemies with a cold, impartial grace. Rikkoa niitä.
Activation Condition This can be activated twice per run, though not at the beginning of combat.
Effect +2 boost to attack rolls for 3 rounds
Consequence Missing attacks enrage Lauri, breaking his concentration. -1 for attack rolls after failing to hit a target, stacking until the effect ends.
  • Musta Raivo: 3: Lauri doesn’t go down without a fight, and he’ll take as many enemies with him as he can. Falling into a mindless rage, he shrugs off injuries, attempting to end the fight while he still can. Sisu.
Activation Condition For this spec to be activated, Lauri must be at 6 PHP or below, and can only be activated once per run.
Effect Lauri receives a +2 bonus to strength and toughness for two turns.
Consequence During this period, Lauri cannot be healed, and the sum of the injuries sustained are counted against his maximum health until the run ends.
  • Sissi: 2: Lauri is a guerrilla by trade, laying in wait for an ambush opportunity is his bread and butter. Waiting for the right moment to strike is key. Tulkoot.
Activation Condition Lauri must be hiding and waiting for an ambush opportunity.
Effect A +1 bonus is applied to the ambush attack for every round that Lauri doesn't attack, with a maximum of +3.
Consequences Lauri loses the ability to move while he lays in wait, and being found results in a -2 to acrobatics while he escapes.


  • SVD marksman rifle (heavy)
  • Suomi KP-31 submachine gun (normal)
  • Bolo fighting knife (melee)
  • Field survival kit


  • A box of cigars, gifted by Fidel Castro
  • Áo bà ba, a gift from his Việt Cộng comrades
  • Hanbok set, a gift from his Korean comrades
  • Handmade puukko knife
  • A Sony Walkman, with a massive collection of tapes from Western artists

Personal History:

A soldier through and through, Lauri was born on the border between Finland and the Soviet Union, becoming a partisan at just age 11, fighting to keep his home when the Germans invaded in 1941. A natural soldier, Lauri fought ferociously, despite his young age, taking assignments that many adults in his cell would balk at. After the war, Lauri was integrated into the newly-formed Spetsnaz GRU, becoming one of their finest commandos.

Sent to the many hotbeds of Cold War conflict, Lauri joined Chinese and Korean troops in pushing American forces out of the Korean Peninsula, his finest operations being pulled off during the brutal winters—a remnant of his time during the Winter War. When Castro landed in Cuba, Lauri joined the revolutionaries in pushing Fulgencio Batista out of power, spending weeks in the deep jungles of the Sierra Maestra. In the 1960's, he joined the Việt Cộng fighters in forcing Americans out of Vietnam, taking part in raids and patrols throughout the deep jungle.

However, everything changed for Lauri in 1982, when he was deployed in the Soviet-Afghan conflict. Deployed as a counter-insurgency fighter, Lauri was left somewhat out of his element. Sent out on patrols as a platoon commander never sat well with him—Lauri was better with small crack teams with specific goals in mind. A platoon roving about the desert was asking for an ambush. Sure enough, it did.

Coming into conflict with mujahideen armed with anomalous weaponry, his unit was wiped out, Lauri himself barely surviving without serious injury. A Foundation MTF came into contact with Lauri soon after the event, deployed to the region with the task of retrieving or neutralizing the weapons. Working with the unit ad hoc, they were able to retrieve the weapons, Lauri himself catching a glance of the world of the anomalous.

Left with the ultimatum of joining the Foundation or taking an amnestic regimen to forget the experience, Lauri took the former, an obvious choice given his combat pedigree. While being stationed in the United States carries a degree of culture shock, he enjoys the change, embracing the fact that his new task's widened scope brings ever-stronger foes, and a heightened stake.


Languages: Finnish, Russian, Korean, Arabic, Vietnamese, English (to varying degrees of fluency).




Missions | Equip Points: 0

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