Father Mort Taggart

Basic Info:

Player: MrAnakinSpecter

Position: Roman Catholic priest and theologian.

Demeanor: Grim and intimidating.

Nature: Contradictory to his demeanor, he is a pious, charitable, and gentle man.

Description: 6' 9", 235 lbs. Broad shoulders, average musculature. Long, rectangular face with defined chin and a thin, straight nose. Large, sleepy hazel eyes with perpetual dark circles. Very pale skin, short brown hair. Usually wears priestly garb, but will occasionally relax in khakis and a sweater.


You have 36 points to distribute among Basic and Pseudo-Specialty Skills. Please follow the guidelines on the Game Mechanics page. Erase any skills you have no points in.

  • Physical Health: 7
  • Mental Health: 7
Basic Skills
  • Physical Defense: 5
  • Mental Defense: 5
  • Perception: 4
  • Agility: 3
  • Strength: 5
  • Persuasion: 3
  • Intimidation: 6
Pseudo-Specialty Skills
  • Melee: +2 from strength
  • Academics: 5
Specialty Skills:

You have twelve points to distribute among as many or as few specialty skills as you see fit (but at least three is almost always warranted). Remember to explain what each specialty entails.

  • Fire and Brimstone: 4. Growing up in a time of hardship, Father Taggart was no stranger to apocalyptic prophecies. He learned how to use words to "put the fear of God into people" and intimidate his way out of risky situations.
  • Enlightenment: 4. Taggart learned many interpretations of biblical scripture during his studies. This made him appreciate the value in listening to every side of an argument. His thoughtfulness makes others more likely to confide in him.
  • Non-Prophet Organization: 4. Father Taggart's absolute beliefs make him less likely to be mentally manipulated.


List everything your character carries on their person here. Be reasonable.

  • Bible
  • Crucifix
  • Notebook and pen
  • Reading glasses

And everything that they keep in their room at Site 19. Anything that's not listed here or in the section above will be difficult for the character to retrieve.

  • Another Bible
  • Completed notebooks
  • Assorted nonfiction books
  • Mason jar to collect money for the poor

Personal History:

Born in upstate New York in 1920, Taggart was around nine years old when the Great Depression started. His parents came to the United States from Ireland to find work and his father earned barely enough to support his wife and three sons by doing dangerous jobs at a local train yard. Taggart was raised in poverty, but was aware from a young age that plenty of other children were poorer. He was given food by sisters from a nearby convent during a particularly lean time in his adolescence. Touched by their kindness, he resolved to become a priest of the Roman Catholic Church.

He was a gifted student with a passion for knowledge. The war started, and though he did not harm anyone directly, Taggart was deeply disturbed by what he experienced as an Army chaplain. After it ended, he devoted himself to his theological studies and gained a reputation among his peers as an expert in world religions and church history. The Foundation recognized his talents and he was recruited.



  • God
  • The Church
  • Kailee Beake: A nice young woman. Very friendly.
  • Rebecca Powell: Welcoming enough. Doesn't really believe she is a vampire.
  • Isa RĂ©: Introduced herself. Seems friendly.



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