Alexander Doubek

Basic Info:

Player: Dmatix

Position: Cultural attache, negotiator

Demeanor: Jovial, talkative

Nature: Contemplative, cynic, anxious, eccentric

Description: A man in his early sixties. Bald, bespectacled, very thin (seemingly unhealthily so), 1.85 meters tall. Usually wears somber suits but often selects highly colorful ties and socks. Is never seen without his pocket watch.


You have 36 points to distribute among Basic and Pseudo-Specialty Skills. Please follow the guidelines on the Game Mechanics page. Erase any skills you have no points in.

  • Physical Health: 7
  • Mental Health: 7
Basic Skills
  • Physical Defense: 3
  • Mental Defense: 6
  • Perception: 6
  • Agility: 2
  • Strength: 2
  • Persuasion: 4
  • Intimidation: 2
  • Bluff: 3
Pseudo-Specialty Skills
  • Melee: 0
  • Ranged: 3
  • Academics: 4
  • Science: 1
Specialty Skills:

You have twelve points to distribute among as many or as few specialty skills as you see fit (but at least three is almost always warranted). Remember to explain what each specialty entails.

  • Specialty One Investigation : 4. A remnant from his journalistic days, Alexander has a knack in identifying small but often crucial details, and connecting disparate information into a cohesive picture.
  • Specialty Two Oratory and Expressive Writing: 3. Learned during his tenure assisting the allied forces, Alexander has a gift in speech and expressive writing. Can be used to reinforce speech-related skills with powerful linguistic choices.
  • Specialty Three Cultural Awareness: 5. Alexander is an expert in communicating with cultures other than his own. This allows him to quickly learn the customs and sometimes languages of different cultures, human or no. Allows for easier interaction with characters or creatures from outside the Foundation, as well as potentially defusing volatile situations involving such characters.


List everything your character carries on their person here. Be reasonable.

  • Pocket watch (gold). Inside is a picture of a sandy-haired youth, a young pilot Alexander failed to save.
  • lighter (sliver, engraved)
  • Pocket knife
  • Colt M1911 pistol+ cartridge
  • Mints
  • Handkerchief
  • Pocket flask x3 (filled with miscellaneous liquids, alcoholic or otherwise)

And everything that they keep in their room at Site 19. Anything that's not listed here or in the section above will be difficult for the character to retrieve.

  • Small library of books, fiction and none-fiction
  • A selection of musical instruments, none of which he knows how to play
  • A copper coffee Cezve and assorted tea kettles, with appropriate selection of coffee, tea and other necessities on these lines.
  • A cheap Persian rug (origins unknown)
  • An old leather armchair (belonged to grandfather)

Personal History:

Born in Prague, 1895, Alexander Doubek enjoyed a comfortable early life as the son of a well-to-do baker, who doted on his only son.

Was struck with Tuberculosis as a young man, which prevented his service in WWI. Enrolled in Charles University when he was 18 and studied philosophy and history, though his weak health slowed his studies significantly.

He eventually recovered and began working as a secretary for a small local newspaper. Became involved in a few little-recorded but fiery scandals. Continued his studies in an unofficial capacity. Eventually rose through the ranks to become editor.

Fled the country in 1939 with the German occupation of Prague, fearing his life due to publishing articles containing strong anti-Nazi sentiments. Settled in Britain. As the second world war broke, assisted the Allied forces as a translator and cultural attache. Gained a certain amount of notability in this position.

Doubek was first contacted by Foundation recruitment officers a year following the end of the war. His efforts as a cultural attache to several high-ranking officers promoted the Foundation to offer him a position as a cultural researcher as well as a sometimes negotiator. He has been a part of the Foundation ever since, working at establishing Foundation relations with various Groups of Interest, as well as with the occasional contact with non-human cultures.


Doubek, while often attempting to present a jovial appearance to the outside world, is a cynic at heart. Despite his position he has little faith in the ability of human beings to peacefully co-exist, and believes conflict is the natural, if lamentable, status of mankind. This tendency often leads to misanthropy and disregard of others on his part.

Does not smoke but carries a lighter with him regardless, a gift from a past liaison.

Alexander posses a deep hatred of reality benders due to circumstances not yet disclosed.



+2 the quest for the mighty sign!
+2 throwing mints at the reality bender.

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